Friday, June 10, 2011

Shivarajakumar Bows to Small Screen Ragavendra Swamy

Shivarajakumar Bows to Small Screen Ragjavemdra SwamyOn Thursday evening at Chowdaiah Memorial the century Shivarajakumar showed his complete humbleness and touched the knees of Parkshit – 22 years youngster who plays Sri Raghavendra Swamy role in ‘Guru Raghavendra Vaibhava’ that is telecast in Suvarana channel on Monday to Friday at 10 pm.

Looking at the immaculate look, costume and ability to take on the role of Sri Raghavendra Swamy the Kannada superstar Shivarajakumar said not everyone would get this opportunity. My father Dr Rajakumar played the role of Sri Raghavendra Swamy in ‘Mantralaya Mahatme’ he recalled.

It was a different platform set by MS Ramaiah Entertainment on Thursday at Chowdaiah Memorial hall on the occasion of 260 episodes of Bala Suresh directed ‘Guru Raghavendra Vaibhava’.

In front of ‘Art’ the big and small does not arise. A child is a good actor. To escape going to school it acts as if it has got stomach ache. I agree that blessing of God is important but look at Mr Rajanikanth with no godfather he became supreme on Indian screen. Shivarajakumar answering another question from Parikshit, said ‘Bhakthi is evergreen’. Shivarajakumar also felt he should have come in traditional costume to this well designed program by Pattabhiram MR and Ba La Suresh.
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